Khashayar "Kess" Mohammadi

A Journal of Behavioral Literature

to throw roses
at the feet
of genocide

to wait for Celan
to slip into his robes

not so much a rejection
but a Jihad of voices

Duchamp cannibal
O’keefe cannibal


make lists.
weep salt-lily.
but i say,
to write
is to break silence too
and sure it is funny
that we can't escape ourselves
and sure we did not inherit curiosity
driven into what absolves us
and sure i am flattened by mobility
like a white flower with no implication of loss
elegance is a late invitation
womb rhymes with tomb
so the poem writes itself
all before "here"
really happened here

i may have forgotten the date
i may have forgotten to say it was sunny
i may have forgotten the
calm shadow of bread
bechamel and doom
in that domestic space for metaphor
remedial arts at the limits of suspicion
that all this was someone else's idea
a mystified plaything in the mouth
and FOR the mouth

don't read into it
these are words
not gestures

spit out your beast
and make an offer.

what a bargain.

Khashayar "Kess" Mohammadi is an Iranian-born, Toronto-based writer and translator.